so that the service life of products is counted in decades
Whip up
To prevent eiderdown and Barnacle goose down from fluffing up and always taking up its full volume, fluff blankets and pillows! Help the down take up all the space inside.
Once a year, we recommend that you hang your product up to breathe fresh air to air out whatever the blanket and pillow have absorbed during use.
Our Arctic bird down blankets and pillows are machine washable! See below for instructions on how to do this without ruining the product.
Take it to a dry cleaner
But if you happen to spill coffee or juice on a blanket or pillow, it's better to give the item to a dry cleaner for a deeper cleaning.
Delicate care at home
Water temperature
the water must be no higher than 20°C
Household chemicals
Use a quality laundry detergent and a good fabric conditioner
RPMs and spin
minimal as much as your equipment can do
only in an unfolded state, so that the down naturally takes up all the space it is supposed to